Sunday, February 9, 2014

Luneta to Tagaytay

February 9 2014
UltraMarathon 63km Luneta to Tagaytay

February 8, Many runners formed at the Raja Sulayman Park in Malate Manila. I arrived at the venue 10:30pm from my classmate's wedding in Quezon City. Lots of runners prepare, conduct stretching, chatting with other runners,  others are preparing for the run. When I arrive at the venue, Lj and Noriel are already at the line for the checking of bib and Lj fall in line for me (Thanks Lj for that). After that I decided to buy my reflector vest that I will be using on BDM, hehe, and left my bag at the baggage counter. 
Busy park at Raja Sulayman

Around 11:30pm me and my buddy Noriel decided to go to Luneta park since it was the initial starting of the run and not Raja Sulayman. 

Luneta Park
After we go to Luneta, we decided to return to Raja Sulayman for the official Start of the race. Total of around 700 runners will be running along and going to Tagaytay, the street will be a street party, lots of runners, support vehicles of the runners and organizers will be conquering the road to Tagaytay. At exactly 12mn of February 9, the gun start started and runners start running.
Idol Loyce on the run
Sole Diva Runners
 At 10km, we refill our water with the water station prepared by the organizer. But on the 20km we found no water station and decided to buy at the convenience store that we saw. Thanks 7 11 for the water, food and softdrink that we buy. Some runners also use the convenience store as stop over in their run. ^^

Around 2:20am when we arrived at Imus, Cavite. The Christmas Capital of the Philippines.

Around 3:50am when we arrive at Dasmarinas, Cavite.
Around 5am, my buddy feels sleepy due to no rest a day before the run. So we do some short rest and advise him to drink some soft-drinks with caffeine to woke him up. Around 6:30am we found some coconut vendors on the sides of the road and decided to buy some coconut.

Around 7am, my buddy already feels his blisters in his foot and decided to rest to pop the blisters (ouch). After resting, we continue our run, we saw some support vehicle offering aids and water spray and alike (Thanks for that). Around 8:40am, we are near Olivares but we will not pass Olivares and do a left turn at SVD road all the way to People's Park, Palace in the Sky. It's already hot and we feel the fatigue because of the long run and when I saw the Taal lake & volcano it gives me another energy to continue telling me that we are near the finish line.
Taal Lake and volcano

Around 9:30am we feel exhausted and we walk since the road has a uphell route until the finish line. We finish around 10:14am. Luneta to Tagaytay! Conquered!
Congratulations to all the finishers of Luneta to Tagaytay. Til the next run!

Route Map and Elevation

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