Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tour to Riyadh!

June 4, 2015

Its been a year since I write in my blog.
This time, I would like to share my tour in Riyadh.

Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia and in this city the castle of the king is located.

My journey to Riyadh is quite fast since I only have two days in here due to work schedule. I have to file one day leave at my work just to go in Riyadh.

I use the train as my transportation from Dammam to Riyadh and vice versa.
My train schedule going to Riyadh is Thursday night of June 4, 2015 7:50pm. The travel time going to riyadh is around 4hours. I just slept the whole travel since it's night and you can see outside is just dark desert.

June 5, 2015

I arrive at the Riyadh Train Station around 12:30am where my friend Christian is waiting for me outside the terminal station. My friend is staying at the Nelover Hotel in Riyadh. When we arrive at the hotel, we bought some burger at Burger King near the hotel as a midnight snack, we talk about updates and happenings before we take our rest around 2am.
Eating our midnight snack
Around 7am when i woke up and Christian is still sleeping. All establishments are close in this time so I just wait till lunch time. Around 12 noon we go out and buy some lunch at the khabsa restaurant near the hotel. When we return to the room his coworkers came and told him to eat outisde and go to Jarir to buy some electronic gadgets and Batha to buy some groceries.

We eat our lunch at a Kabayan Restaurant where, there we bought a palabok and some chicken barbeque. Their serving per order is huge maybe good for 2.

After our lunch we go to Danube, a mall in Riyadh and roam around.

Me and Christian outside Danube

Jarir bookstore just beside the mall and we just go out the mall and walk to Jarir. In Jarir, his coworker bought some speakers. After buying some speakers we ride a taxi going to Batha. Batha is known place in Riyadh since there are lots of things like phones, cameras, gadgets and game console that could buy in discounted price. Also, lots of Filipinoes are roaming around the area.

In Batha, we took a look at some establishment specially cameras, since we are planning to buy one. After some window shopping, we go to the kabayan supermarket and buy some groceries.
Pinoy Supermarket in Batha, Riyadh

After buying some grocery items, we go back to the hotel. We eat the chicken khabsa that we bought earlier as our dinner. After that we went to his coworkers room and they are having a scrable party. We also bought some sweet sprinkler as toppings for the scramble and make unlimited scramble while watching Super Girl. After eating scramble and watching we call a night off and rest.

June 6, 2015

This is my last day of vacation in Riyadh. Early morning, we contacted our friend Renz who's also working in Riyadh to roam around the area. We told him to meet with him by 10am. We fetch him near his accomodation in exit 4 then go to Riyadh Gallery (a mall in Riyadh). We eat our lunch at the food court in the mall while resting and do some chit chats.
Renz, Ian and me at Riyadh Gallery

After a quick tour at Riyadh Gallery we plan to go to Kingdom Tower (The highest tower at the center of Riyadh City). It has a bridge at the top most part of the tower and it has exactly 100 floors, including the bridge floor.

The Kingdom Center is one of the tourist attraction in Riyadh, The Sky Bridge is the popular attraction where you can see the whole city of Riyadh at the top of the tower bridge. The Kingdom Center has 3 parts, first is the mall located at the bottom part of the tower, second is the offices above the mall and the third part is the Sky bridge where you can view Riyadh at the top most part of the tower. 
Sky Bridge Experience Entrance

The birdge at the top of the tower

Looking at the city
Looking at the bottom part of the tower
Luckly there are few tourist in the tower and we almost rule the area. Basically, tourist go there around 4pm and we go there around 2pm, that's why there are few tourist in the skybrigde that time. After the Sky Bridge Experience its time for me to go back to reality and go back to Dammam.

Christian accompany me to the train station and that's it, vacation over and rode the train back to Dammam around 5pm. Kuya Joven fetch me in the train station in Dammam around 11pm.


I would like to thank you Christian for the accomodating me in my 2 days vacation in Riyadh and kuya Joven for bringing and fecthing me to Dammam station. Til next time!